Đọc thêm Việt_Nam_Cộng_hòa

  • Ang Cheng Guan (1997). 'Vietnamese Communists' Relations with China and the Second Indochina Conflict, 1956-1962. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. tr. 321. 
  • Ang Cheng Guan (14 tháng 5 năm 1997). "Vietnam: The Decision to Resume Armed Struggle in the South, Summer 1958–Summer 1959". War and Society 15:1. tr. 101-118. 
  • Ang Cheng Guan (1996). "The Huong Lap and Phu Loi Incidents, and the Decision to Resume Armed Struggle in South Vietnam (January-April 1959)". South East Asia Research 4:1. tr. 3-22. 
  • Catton, Philip E. (1999). "Counter-Insurgency and Nation Building: The Strategic Hamlet Programme in South Vietnam, 1961-1963". International History Review vol. xxi. tr. 918. 
  • Philip E. Catton (2002). Diem's Final Failure: Prelude to America's War in Vietnam. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. tr. 298. 
  • Georges Chaffard (1964). Indochine: dix ans d'indépendance. Paris: Calmann-Lévy. tr. 294. 
  • Jessica M. Chapman (2006). "Debating the Will of Heaven: South Vietnamese Politics and Nationalism in International Perspective, 1954-1956". Santa Barbara: Ph.D. dissertation, History, University of California. tr. 320. 
  • Jessica M. Chapman (tháng 9 năm 2006). "Staging Democracy: South Vietnam's 1955 Referendum to Depose Bao Dai". Diplomatic History 30:4. tr. 671-703. 

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